Seaweed Wrap Instructions for SPA

What is the seaweed wrap used for?

  • Reducing bloat
  • Smoothing the appearance of cellulite
  • Accelerating the breakdown and release of fat from fat deposit
  • Improving lymph outflow, removing excess water
  •  Detoxification, hydration, and nutrition
  • Leveling the skin texture and improving skin tone
  • Strengthens, smooths, and fortifies skin


Expected results:

Each seaweed wrap procedure works to reach a deeper layer of the skin than the one before. 

A full course of 4-6 procedures will significantly or completely eliminate cellulite.


What materials are used in the seaweed wrap procedure?

1 Dried seaweed for body wrap: Economical three-pound pack.


2 Seaweed Body Wrapping: Whole wet leaves


3 Natural Seaweed Body Mask    


4 Optional extra

 30% Pure Seaweed Body Scrub 



What is the difference between dry seaweed, wet seaweed, and the mask?      

This is a completely natural product without additives or preservatives. It comes in large sheets, convenient to use for large areas. The most affordable option, however, it is necessary to soak the product for 10 minutes in hot water prior to use.

These are natural leaves soaked in their mucilage; alginate and fucus extract is added for greater effect. This type of wrap is a little easier and faster to apply since there is no need to soak it beforehand. More expensive than the dried product. Please note, this product does contain safe foodpreservatives.

This crushed algae in mucus has all the properties and benefits of leaves but with the addition of caffeine to enhance the anti-cellulite effect and shea butter to soften the skin.Can be quickly applied to any part of the body. Combining use of the mask with a light massage will significantly enhance the effect. Contains safe preservatives.



Stage 1: Preparation     Duration: 15 minutes

Shower and cleanse the skin with the seaweed scrub.

Then, prepare the seaweed leaves for wrapping as follows for:

  1. Dried Seaweed for body wrap: Economical three-pound pack:

Soak the kelp leaves in warm water (110-125 F). The kelp will “come to life” and increase in size, forming a mucous mass.

  1. Seaweed Body Wrapping: Whole wet leaves

Immerse unopened seaweed bags in hot water for 10 minutes.

  1. Natural Seaweed Body Mask

Immerse jars with mask in hot water for 10 minutes.

Stage 2: Wrapping      

Duration: 30 - 40 minutes.

Option A

Dried Seaweed for body wrap: Economical three-pound pack.

 During preparation, as they soak the leaves will increase in size and the liquid will become jelly-like.

Next, place a portion of the seaweed, without removing the jelly layer, onto the film on top of the blanket in order to prepare surface for the client’s back.

Then, place the client on the leaves. Distribute some of the remaining leaves over the body.

“Wrap” the arms, hands, legs, and feet. Depending on the extent of the treatment, you can wrap the film around the body, and cover the resulting “cocoon” with a blanket.

Recommended temperature: 100-113 F. 

After 40 - 45 minutes, remove theleaves and the remains of the jelly layer.

You can use either wet wipes or warm water (without soap).

N.B. A rich, healthy “jelly-like solution” - water with dissolved polysaccharides (fucoidan, laminaran), salts, micro- and macroelements - can be used to prepare seaweed ice for face wipes or for thalassotherapy (algae baths).

Option B

Seaweed Body Wrapping: Whole wet leaves 

Follow the same steps as for dry seaweed, without the need to soak the leaves beforehand. Simply heat the unopened bags in water for 10 minutes and then unpack and begin wrapping. 

Option C

Natural Seaweed Body Mask

Lay out the blanket and film and have the client lie on their stomach.

Apply the mask with a gentle rubbing motion on the back and buttocks.

Turn the client onto their back and apply the mask to the stomach, thighs, legs, and arms.

Wrap the film around the body and cover the resulting “cocoon” with a blanket.

Temperature: 100-113°F.


Upon completion of the procedure, wash off any remaining mask with warm water (without soap) in the shower or remove with wet wipes.

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